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Welcome to the task page! Today you will learn about the interesting lifecycle of a butterfly! After viewing the different websites at each task, you should be able to create your own poster and art project of the lifecyle from this quest!
Task #1

Here is your chance to view the important lifecycle of the butterfly! Click the word Butterfly!

Watch this catapiller hatch from its egg! Click on the word Catapillar!

See the video of the butterfly lifecycle! Lifecycle Video!

See the common butterfly known as the Monarch Butterfly's Lifecycle! Click on the word Monarch!

Color your favorite butterfly from these special printouts!!

Task #2

Eggs on a Leaf!


Green construction paper with a leaf drawn on it, crayons or markers, scissors, and Q-Tips (the Q-Tip ends will be the eggs).


Cut the leaf from the construction paper with scissors.

Draw in the leaf veins (optional)

Glue Q-Tip ends onto the leaf for eggs.

Egg Carton Catapillars!


Egg cartons, crayons or markers, scissors, and pipe cleaners. (Googly eyes are optional)


Separate 4, 5, or 6 cups from an egg carton.

Using the point of a scissors, an adult should make 2 small holes at one end for the antennae.

Insert pipe cleaners for the antennae. Add eyes, a mouth, and decorate.

Butterfly Emerging from Chrysalis!


Toilet-paper tube

Tongue depressor or ice cream pop stick

Butterfly graphic printed on heavy paper (see Task#1)

6" (150 mm), piece of pipe cleaner, folded in half

Markers or crayons

Scissors and glue


1. Cut out and color a butterfly image. Make both halves look the same. The life cycle poster gives the colors for the painted lady butterfly. Put a small hole at the top of the butterfly's head.

2. Color the toilet paper tube to look like a chrysalis. (A monarch butterfly's chrysalis is green, the painted lady chrysalis is reddish brown.)

3. Take a piece of pipe cleaner and shape it like the letter "V". Put one point through the little hole in the butterfly's head and then twist it to look like antennae. Butterflies use these "feelers" to learn about their environment.

4. Glue the butterfly to one end of the tongue depressor or pop stick. Let the glue dry.

5. Curl the butterfly's wings and slide it into the chrysalis.

6. Pull the stick to make the beautiful butterfly come out of the chrysalis. Fly your butterfly like a real one!

Adult Butterfly!


A butterfly image that may be colored in. (see Task#1 Color your favorite butterfly from these special printouts!!

Steps to Follow:

3. Process
4. Rubric
5. Fun